Sistemul de taxare HoteloPro vă oferă flexibilitatea sa vă configurați exact ceea ce doriți. Puteți sa le stabiliți ca procent ori ca suma fixă si le puteți aplica la tot ceea ce vindeți Camere + Produse, doar pentru una din ele, sau pe Persoana/Noapte. Puteți de asemenea include taxa in tarif sau să o adăugați ulterior.
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“Since we opened our Bed&Breakfast in March 2013 we are using Hotelopro from the first day on. We chose it because it is a cloud based program and our company is nearly a 100% organized in a cloud. As a Swiss, working in Cabo Verde and travelling a lot, the HoteloPro solution is perfect. It is very user friendly and flexible. In any case HoteloPro Support is quick and competent. ”